Come out to the Family Fall Fest on November 16 from 10 am- 3pm. Enjoy a Chili Feed, Craft Fair and for the kids, inflatables, henna and balloons!
Sidewalks and roadways are a little slick this morning. Be careful on your way to school. Give yourself a little extra time and following distance. We are excited to see all of your costumes!
Among the high-quality teaching staff at SHMS is stand-out physical education teacher, coach, entrepreneur, minister and author Chad Parks. Coach Parks shared his journey as an author during the recent book festival at the Kansas State Capital. His book, Game Changing Moves, shares wisdom and life lessons acquired from athletics, hard work and building relationships.
There is 7th grade home football and volleyball tonight Vs. Seaman. Start time will be 3:30. Come out and support your middle school athletes.
Students presented to district patrons in the culminating activity for the Big American History project about student rights. Students research SHMS handbook policy and compared it to surrounding districts. Groups of students advocated for changes to building policy to best meet their needs. No surprise, they want the right to have their phones at lunch!
FACS instructor Mrs. Ayers and her apprentice chefs prepare a delicious salsa.
This is National Suicide Prevention Week. SHMS encourages open and honest communications about mental health. If you or someone you know is suicidal or needs support, there is help available.
Parents, teachers, and friends are in a key position to pick up on signs and get help. While suicide prevention is important to address year-round, this week provides a time dedicated to come together with a collective passion and strength around a difficult topic. Each student placed this sticker on the inner cover of their handbook to serve as a reminder that it is brave to ask for help.
A nostalgic view for parents. The morning buses line up to disgorge eager middle schoolers.
Mrs. Hobby's Am. History students are learning which rights they retain when they walk into the school and which rights the school restricts. As part of this project, the students will research student handbook policy from around the region and make change recommendations to Mr. Urich.
Four of our 7 White Team students found an opportunity to be excellent citizens and help a new student feel welcome in our school. Reward: Picture with the Principal.
SHMS track and field athletes waiting enthusiastically for practice to begin.
Tonight, April 25, 2019 is the middle school’s talent show! The MS Jazz Band will kick off the show at 7:00 PM in the middle school commons. Admission is free. Hope to see you there!
Students were able to attend a presentation by John Carlos today at Washburn University. The "World's Fastest Humanitarian" spoke about his journey in fighting for human rights.
The 7th and 8th grade parent meetings are at 6:00 PM on 8/20 and 8/21 respectively. The principals will speak for about 30 minutes and then the parents will separate into Red, White, and Blue teams to spend time with the team teachers.
Sneak Peek tonight 8/9 3:30 - 6:30. Bring your child's school supplies and class schedule.