Practice the week of September 10th-13th
7th Grade Schedule:
Monday: Practice 3-5:05
Tuesday: Practice 3-5:05
Wednesday: Practice 3-4:30. Please pick up your student at 4:35pm.
Thursday: Away Game at Manhattan Anthony. A Game will start at 3:30pm. Players will be released from class at 1:15pm. The buses will depart at 1:30pm. Students should wear jerseys to school on this day. Please have them bring game pants to school fully ready to put on and get on the bus. If your student is leaving with you after the game, please have email me so that everyone is accounted for.
Friday: Practice 3-4:50. Please pick up at 5pm so that everyone can get to the HS game.
Parent Meeting is on 8/19/24 at 5:30 PM in the Middle School Gym
Participants must complete the following before practice or tryouts begin:
Have a completed physical dated after May 1st of the current year.
This can be emailed to the office, dropped off in the office (office hours are 7:15 - 3:30 M-F), or brought on or before the first day of tryouts. No player will be allowed to try out without a completed KSHSAA physical packet on file.
Heat illness and concussion training must be completed before practice begins (see below).
Heat Illness and Concussion Training
All athletes who wish to participate in fall sports must complete an online course on heat illness and concussions. The courses are available for free through the NFHS website (see below). Once complete, students should turn in their completion certificate to their coach on the first day of practice.
Navigate to: NFHS Learn
Student athletes should create an account for themselves to be used each year.
Search the courses for the following two courses:
Concussion for Students
Heat Illness Prevention
You must "purchase" these courses, but there is no cost. Once they have been "purchased," students can complete each course at their own pace. Print the certificate upon completion. If you are unable to print them, please send them via email to, and the certificates will be sent to the fall sports coaches.
8th Grade Head Coach: Jason Brown
7th Grade Head Coach: Erich Singer
Football Information
Equipment check-out for 8th graders on Thursday, August 15th from 3:00-5:00 PM
Use the north SHMS gym doors and walk to the locker rooms.
Equipment check-out for 7th graders on Friday, August 16th from 3:00-5:00 PM
Use the north SHMS gym doors and walk to the locker rooms.
Practice begins on August 19th from 3:00-5:15 PM unless we are following the heat schedule listed above
Parents pick up by 5:30 PM at the Middle School NORTH gym doors (Parent Pickup Area)
KSHSAA Outdoor temperature and heat index rules are in effect when applicable