Elementary students and Families! Join us for our Virtual Wellness Fair starting today, January 13th through January 20th. You will be challenged to find ways to be physically active for 60 minutes each day. Let's see which Elementary school can get the most Minutes to Motion! Follow the link for details on how to play! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQxS3STkJ0VXjTEPYHhbDTi3yT4MyVmNpX-pz8HH86g-nAl1udUmsaoBfL-zJ3DL6aUqJ1ls4Z3pune/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Virtual Wellness
Hello Berryton families! BES PTO will be catering in a meal for the teachers and staff on Friday 1/15 during their work day. If you would like to contribute a few dollars toward this meal that would be great. Please send cash or checks made to Berryton PTO with your student through backpack mail in an envelope marked BES PTO MEAL by Thursday 1/14. You may also contribute via the PTO PayPal account at berrytonpto@gmail.com. If you select the friends/family option it will avoid fees charged to the PTO. If any extra money sent in, it will be used for the meal in February. Berryton teachers have been working hard and we want to show that we appreciate them. Thank you for your support!
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
BES Buffalo Express 12/18/2020 https://www.smore.com/ubw8p-buffalo-express
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
This is the last week for our Major Saver Campaign. Online sales will end Thursday, December 17, 2020. Our Major Saver campaign not only raises money for our schools but also helps support local businesses! See all of the local businesses on our card in the photo below. If you can’t find a student to purchase a card from, you can still help support our schools by purchasing your card online at www.majorsaver.com
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Major Saver Campaign 2020
Major Saver Campaign 2020
Hey, BES Families, We just wanted to take a quick moment to talk iPad care. Like cars need tune-ups and oil changes, iPads need some up-keep as well to help them continue to run smoothly. Here are some suggestions: 1. Turn your iPad off for awhile tonight. A shut down helps the system restart. Hold the button on the top right corner until the power off slide bar shows. Then turn off. Turn on with that same button. 2. Tap, Tap, Swipe up, and Close those Apps you’re not using. Having apps running in the background takes a lot of energy. 3. Running websites in the background also takes a lot of energy. Close tabs you’re no longer using in Safari and Chrome. You can even choose for it to close tabs automatically after a day or week. 4. If you’re having trouble with Microsoft Teams, try logging completely out of the program (not just tap, tap, close the app). Go to the three lines in the top left corner of your Teams account. Click Settings. Scroll all the way to the bottom where it says, Sign out. Then close the app. Open it again. Choose sign-in with your account (remember it’s your account @usd450.org) and your password for email. 5. If your iPad is struggling to charge, try these three things: a new cord or brick, a hard shut down, or taking it out of the case and cleaning both case and iPad. We’ve noticed that cleaning the cases and iPads has solved most of the charging issues. If you need help with how to take off the case, let us know – we have instructions! If you need video directions for any of these tips, email Mrs. Hurla at hurlal@usd450.net. If you need further assistance, we’re happy to help – call the school line 785-861-1300 and we will connect you with support. Thank you! Laura Hurla Instructional Coach Berryton Elementary, USD 450 785.861.1300 hurlal@usd450.net
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
The Board meeting tonight, December 14th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., will be held in the Shawnee Heights High School Auditorium. The board will be discussing our Learning Scenario plans following Winter Break. The meeting can be viewed live on our District's YouTube Channel at: https://bit.ly/3fT7WyB Find the the meeting agenda at: https://www.usd450.net/district/board-of-education/agendas-minutes Please wear your mask and practice social distancing if you will be in attendance. We will continue Public Comments in-person at the board meeting; however, we will not be reading Public Comments that are emailed during the meeting. Individuals will be given 3 minutes or less for In-Person Public Comments. Patrons are still welcome to submit Public Comments via email. They will be forwarded to each board member to review. Submit emailed Public Comments to our Board Clerk (hoyers@usd450.net).
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
BOE Meeting
BES Buffalo Express https://www.smore.com/kbqa1y
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
REMINDER: BES PTO Meal night is TONIGHT @ Amigo's from 5:00-8:30. 5142 SW Topeka Blvd. 20% goes back to our school! Be sure to mention Berryton Elementary!
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Did you know that students who sell 20 or more cards get a FREE ticket to World of Fun! Students are doing a great job. Help them reach their goal by purchasing a card from them today. Purchase your card online with a student’s personal link or go to www.majorsaver.com and enter the school and students name. Thank you to all our students and parents who have worked so hard to make this fundraiser a success for our school!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Major Saver Campaign 2020
BES BUFFALO EXPRESS https://www.smore.com/gqbxt
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
5th & 6th Grade Elementary Band and Orchestra Remote Information: https://bit.ly/450obremote
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving! Our students are doing a great job selling Major Saver cards online so far. Don’t have a Shawnee Heights student link to purchase a card? Purchase your card at https://www.majorsaver.com/cards/ .Watch the video below to see how to give the sale to your Shawnee Heights School and/or student. https://youtu.be/i839AzpQpvs
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Online sales don’t have collection dates. This means any cards sold on any day will be eligible for all of the additional BONUS PRIZES! MAJOR SAVER has extended this campaign until December 17th! Prizes will be delivered to the school when we resume classes. Good Luck to all of you!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Major Saver Campaign 2020
Berryton Families, Happy Thursday! A few items to note: 1. In honor of the upcoming winter holidays all students are invited to wear school-appropriate pajamas tomorrow, Friday, November 20th. 2. If you have suggestions or feedback for staff as we plan for remote learning please fill out this quick form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=qDOCcWD6v0GK-tZIC2H6qjXJNiDDb35Ngqet-m1f13ZUOVRERkc4VFFJVE42TzQ0UTU3MVRDSEVXMy4u 3. Today students will bring home Major Saver envelopes. The campaign is ONLINE ONLY. Click here to see a video with information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lkj_DYMWUw&feature=youtu.be
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
The Shawnee Heights Public Schools Foundation is offering their annual Major Saver Cards! Our schools will move to Full-Remote learning Monday, November 23, 2020, so this campaign will be ran remotely as well. Cards will be sold by students in an online format and mailed to the purchaser. Major Saver card purchases help benefit all of our schools who participate. Since 2013, the Shawnee Heights Public Schools Foundation has helped raise nearly $171,000 with the Major Saver Program. Looking to purchase a card? Reach out to a Shawnee Heights student to ask for their personal online link or visit www.majorsaver.com to purchase a card and select a Shawnee Heights student. Parents & Students: Watch the video https://youtu.be/5lkj_DYMWUw to see details on selling the card.
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Major Saver Campaign 2020
The Shawnee Heights Optimist basketball club has informed us that they are cancelling the program for this year. Ivan Barnett with SHOC, informed us they are cancelling because of the uncertainty of COVID and the every changing restrictions.
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
The deadline for purchasing books from the BES book fair for a chance to win one of the prize baskets has been moved to TOMORROW, Thursday, November 19th by 4:00 PM. (The book Fair will remain open online, but we will need to pick the prize winners so baskets can be sent home with students on Friday.)
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Lunch Updates this week for ELEMENTARY ONLY: Thursday 11/19 Crispito Cheese Dip Baby Carrots/Ranch Applesauce Milk Friday 11/20 Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes Gravy Pumpkin Dessert Ice Cream Cup Dinner Roll Milk
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Berryton Book Fair information can be found here: https://rb.gy/xhhgv7
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary
BES Buffalos Spiritwear!! Click the link below: https://berrytonbuffalosspiritwear.itemorder.com/
about 4 years ago, Berryton Elementary