Bully Report
In an effort to confront the issue of bullying in our school, a special complaint form has been established for students to let administrators know of a bullying incident that is taking place in school or on the bus. This vital information will help eliminate bullying that occurs at school. Administration check emails each morning and will investigate the situation with the information given.
Complete the following form.
Bully Complaint Form
Bullying will not be tolerated at Tecumseh North
Our school-wide definition of bullying is as follows:
Any intimidation of others by the real or threatened infliction of physical, verbal, and nonverbal abuse or through attacks on the property of another.
School-wide rules against bullying:
We will not bully others.
We will try to help students who are bullied.
We will make it a point to include students who are easily left out.
When we know somebody is being bullied, we will report it.