Pick Up / Drop Off Procedure
Drop Off:
Our buses will begin dropping off students at 7:15am, and the last bus typically arrives by 7:25am. Buses drop off at the main entrance or the South Wing entrance. In the morning, the challenges don't include buses but other drivers. Student drivers begin arriving in large numbers about 7:25am, and the cars keep coming right up to the 7:40am start time. With middle school parents transporting students to that building, the roads will be crowded. Once you reach the access road (get off Shawnee Heights Rd) to the high school, there is not much of a delay, and we ask that you drop off your student at the main entrance.
Administrators are on duty by 7am for an early drop off option. Students should remain in the cafeteria upon arrival.
Pick Up:
Do not park along the access road anywhere as the school day ends, even for a minute. Doing so has the potential to cause chaos and delay for yourself and others. A few parents will be able to park in the visitor parking lot, but the number of spaces is very limited. For the best, most efficient results, we ask that you pull up along the curb along the North Wing or park in the North Wing parking lot and wait for your student to exit.
All traffic in the parking lot and the main access road will be stopped when the buses depart for the middle school at 2:47pm.
Please be patient and model good driving behaviors for our students during drop off and pick up.