The Berryton PTO Mtg. for tonight has been cancelled.
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Parents of 1st and 2nd grade students: Evening Program Thursday, December 13th @ 7:00 p.m. Arrival Time: 6:40 p.m. Where: Shawnee Heights High School Auditorium School Performance Wednesday, December 12th @ 2:30 p.m. Where: Berryton Gym Questions:
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Program Information
While you're out and about and hungry, stop by Buffalo Wild Wings TONIGHT from 5:00-9:00pm and support Berryton Elementary! Our PTO appreciates your support!
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Classroom Holiday Wish Lists Are Up These wish list items can be found in the stockings on the wreaths in the front hallway by the school office. If you cannot make it to the school to pick an item, please call the office and we can "help" you pick.
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Just a reminder, students do not have school on Monday, November 26, 2018. Staff will report for professional development at 9:30 AM and end at regular times. -Stacey Giebler
about 6 years ago, Stacy Giebler
Only a few hours left to RSVP for Donuts with Dad.....Deadline is today! Please RSVP here:
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
REMINDER: Families are welcome to visit the lunchroom on Friday, November 16th. However, we will provide lunch for students only that day. We can’t guarantee even a spot to sit, but we welcome all families to visit if they so desire. Stacey Giebler, Principal
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Have you RSVP'd for Donuts w/ Dad yet? Deadline is tomorrow, Friday, November 16! RSVP here:
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
ALL BERRYTON ELEMENTARY DADS OR OTHER SIGNIFICANT MALE IN YOUR CHILD’S LIFE… Please join us for DONUTS WITH DAD! Friday, November 30, from 8:15am to 8:55am. Complete the form below no later than 11/16. Please be courteous with the deadline.
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Berryton Families are welcome to visit the lunchroom on Friday, November 16th. However, we will provide lunch for students only that day. We can’t guarantee even a spot to sit, but we welcome all families to visit if they so desire. Stacey Giebler, Principal
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Berryton Veterans Day Assembly, 11/12, @ 2:30pm. Veterans who attend, please wear your uniform, cap, medals, or civilian dress. *STUDENTS should wear red, white, or blue to our Veteran’s Day Assembly, scouts should wear their uniforms.*
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
The winner of the Great Wolf Lodge Get Away is: Heather Wherrell! Congratulations, to the Wherrell family! Joy Baker Library Media Specialist, M.S.Ed Berryton Elementary School
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Today is the last day to order from the online Berryton Scholastic Book Fair. Orders will ship free to the school and we receive 55% back to purchase books for our school. Thank you to everyone who visited the Book Fair!
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Berryton Parents: It is not too late to sign up to receive electronic notifications when your child has an overdue library book! You will be entered into the drawing to win a Great Wolf Lodge Get-Away! Sign up TODAY! The prize drawing will take place tomorrow, November 2nd!
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
BES Picture Retake Day is Thursday, Nov. 1st! Forms are coming home in backpacks today with students!
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Pic Retake pg 1
Pic Retake pg 2
BES PE November Fitness Challenge attached for grades 3rd-6th! Check your email for more information!
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Nov Fit
BES Parents: We have received a limited number of KU Football tickets . The Jayhawks are hosting Iowa State, game time of 11:00am, this Saturday, November 3rd. We'll do our best to make sure that every student that wants to go to a game gets an opportunity to attend. Refer your email for further details.
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
BES 5th/6th Grade Volleyball Intramurals begins Tuesday, 11/6. Practices are Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday mornings thru 12/7. Permission forms can be filled out and submitted here: Deadline is Monday, November 5th!
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
Berryton Parents of 3rd & 4th grades: Music program, Thursday, 11/1 @ 7:00pm, @ SHHS Auditorium Dress like picture day is always a good option. *Dress rehearsal is 10/31 at 2:30 in the Berryton Gym.* Questions:
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary
BES HALLOWEEN PARTIES 10/31, 9:20 AM Students should wear costumes to school! Students can wear their costumes all day if they so choose. Adults will not be allowed into school in costume for safety reasons. SH school district’s party policy is on our webpage and handbook.
about 6 years ago, Berryton Elementary