Enrollment for New Resident Students
In this Section:
Follow the link above to request enrollment for a new Shawnee Heights USD 450 student.
The district requires that a parent (guardian) accompany the student(s) at the time of registration. The following documents are necessary to complete the registration process:
Your child's birth certificate (state-certified copy)
Immunization Record (Kansas Certification of Immunization or copy of the personal shot record)
Proof of Residency (i.e. utility bill or housing contract)
If a student is living with a relative or other individual who lives in the district, legal documentation must be submitted given that individual(s) the right to make educational and medical decisions.
Custody Papers (if applicable)
USD Forms to be completed online: Student Information Record, Health History, School Bus Drop/Add/Change Form, Language Learners Survey (English), Language Learners Survey (Spanish), Household Economic Survey (English), Household Economic Survey (Spanish). Other information that assists in the placement of students:
Copy of your child's current transcript of grades
Copy of your child's IEP, if applicable
Copy of recent Health Assessment from the doctor for any child under the age of 9 years of age (turn into nurse before starting school)
Homeless Students
The district, in accordance with state and federal law and the Kansas state plan, will ensure that homeless children in the school district have access to free and appropriate public education. Homeless students are individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. If you believe your child might qualify for homeless services, please contact your school's principal or the local coordinator, Rebecca Hummer, at (785) 379-5800.
Please refer to the 2024-25 Resource & Participation Fees (PreK-12) for all fees for the district.